© 2023ff The Arkansas River Valley Baptist Association


Woman’s Missionary Union

“Missions For Life” “WMU, an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention, began 133 years ago in the hearts of visionary leaders to pray and systematically raise money for missions. Since that time, WMU has helped lead Southern Baptist churches across the country to give $6.6 billion through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering—efforts begun by WMU to support missionaries. WMU’s unwavering focus on making disciples of Jesus who live on mission happens through missions discipleship, leadership development, and compassion ministries, with kingdom impact in every state and 39 countries. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, national WMU is not a part of the Cooperative Program allocation budget and receives no funds from the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering or Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. National WMU is supported through the sale of missional resources and from investments and charitable contributions.” (Excerpt from www.wmu.com) Welcome to the WMU page on the ARVBA website! We are so excited to have another source of information for those interested in Associational WMU Ministry. More information will be added here soon but we encourage you to check out our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ARVBAWMU OR, click the legacy logo below to visit the Official WMU Website.
National WMU Website
133 Years Strong!
© 2024ff The Arkansas River Valley Baptist Association


Woman’s Missionary Union

“Missions For Life” “WMU, an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention, began 133 years ago in the hearts of visionary leaders to pray and systematically raise money for missions. Since that time, WMU has helped lead Southern Baptist churches across the country to give $6.6 billion through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering—efforts begun by WMU to support missionaries. WMU’s unwavering focus on making disciples of Jesus who live on mission happens through missions discipleship, leadership development, and compassion ministries, with kingdom impact in every state and 39 countries. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, national WMU is not a part of the Cooperative Program allocation budget and receives no funds from the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering or Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. National WMU is supported through the sale of missional resources and from investments and charitable contributions.” (Excerpt from www.wmu.com) Welcome to the WMU page on the ARVBA website! We are so excited to have another source of information for those interested in Associational WMU Ministry. More information will be added here soon but we encourage you to check out our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ARVBAWMU OR, click the legacy logo below to visit the Official WMU Website.
“Churches Doing More Together”